This list shows current and recently closed planning applications. You can click on the Application number to go to the District Council's planning pages.
31 Oakwood Drive
T1 Crab Apple - Fell
Crossways, Hobgoblin
Siting of a caravan for a use incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse
Downside, Tower Hill
Install new dormer and solar panels to rear elevation.
11 Oakwood Drive
Demolish rear extension and erect new. Demolish porch and erect new
School Garden, Tower Hill
Erect rear extension to dwelling, Erect rear extension to garage. Raise the ridge of the roof and convert the loft space to bedrooms with 6 dormer windows and a balcony.
Chase Cottage, Watery Lane
Demolish, rebuild and extend (part) of external wall and extend roof over. Demolish and erect replacement single storey extension. Installation of solar PV panels to existing south facing garage roof (without compliance with condition 3 of planning permission 2/2020/0294/HOUSE - Details of external materials to be used in the construction of the roof including the solar PV slate tiles and walls shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval in writing)
The Old Bakery, Dunns Lane
Alterations and roof extension to outbuilding.
School Garden Tower Hill Iwerne Minster DT11 8LT
Construction works to driveway to create an improved access.
1 The Paddocks Iwerne Minster DT11 8PJ
Erect Double Garage
Abingdon Hall The Chalk Iwerne Minster Blandford Forum DT11 8NA
Re-roof north of building using clay tiles from south side. Re-roof south with new clay tiles, Install insulation and breathable membran
Retention of annexe Refused
3 Aston Court
Erect new 8' x 12' greenhouse, (demolish existing 6' x 8' greenhouse). Granted