Welcome Iwerne Minster Parish Council

We aim to bring you the latest news and information from Iwerne Minster Parish Council.  The Parish Council meets on the second Monday of February, April, May, June, August, October and December at 7pm in the Abingdon Memorial Hall, with an opportunity for members of the public to have a say.  The Agenda and minutes are displayed here and on both The War Office noticeboard and the noticeboard near The Talbot.


Recent News from Iwerne Minster Parish Council


The Parish Council wishes to know the views of the village and determine whether there is support for a 20mph limit along the A350 in Iwerne Minster.  Please respond by the 1st March using the following link.  https://forms.office.com/r/qZW73jea6v


The next Parish Council Meeting is due to take place on Monday 14th April at 7.00pm at the Abingdon Memorial Hall.


If you have any difficulties opening any attachments on this site or require further information, please contact the Clerk on 01747 850515 or using the following link 


Contact Us.